Saturday, 1 December 2018


Going through the content of the day especially in electronic/social media.The term life is too short keeps popping.Well that could be a fact anyway,even considering our predecessors are said to have lived for hundreds and hundreds of years.With the oldest today arriving not past 120 years.

But there is likewise enough reason to believe that it's use is overrated and is beginning to have a corrosive effect on the masses.I fail to concur with the trajectory of some of the conversations surrounding use of this term.

Okay.You'll see , life is too short to be on a diet, life is too short to eat healthy, et cetera et cetera.It's not the term by itself ,but the attitude surrounding it's use that is sometimes  misguided.Calling for censorship around the whole idealogy.We need to control,breathe and aim shot once more around how we apply this maxim.

In other words what is selling is an implication that because life is "short " then any austerity,moderative measures people take for various reasons are a waste of the same short time they should be using having a good time as it were in opinion.

But yet we know the great thinkers of ages ,the Socrates,the Confucius and the Psalmist were for moderation even in moderation.Taking inventory of actions and living balanced and responsibly amidst prevalent conditions.

This idea that to enjoy life as it were should necessarily border on taking no measures,breaking all rules,submitting to none and doing as you please is a farfetched deception.No wonder extreme sports,bunjee jumping ,tight  rope on cliff walks etc are on the rise today.You tube for example is smeared with many videos of young adults doing gymnastics on top of skyscrapers and towers.Where of cause,a topple is irreversible. And so on and so forth.All in the exploitative and enjoyment of a seemingly short and unpredictable life
stupor.Last time I checked  "speed that thrills" was not popularised.

That life today can be tough and unpredictable is a fact per se.With a lot of expectations,set targets,work pressure,population rise vis a vis available resources and the available opportunities.Poorly set up systems.And of course competition in the dynamic world we  find ourselves in.This can be  bombarding to the minds of most.Something previous generations did not necessarily go through ,at least in equal measure.

Rightfully so  ,the slightest opportunity to break free is being used to enjoy in all manner of fantasy to cool off this pressure.In the name of life is too short,in the name of Yolo.No wonder it is divorce,suicide and lifestle diseases left ,right and center.

Our predecessors had their different kind of situations too.But had tradition and culture.And a conducive environment from the family up to the community level.Well installed to strike the much needed balance.Today however ,it is more of everyone for themselves by themselves with none being their brothers keeper.Accountability to each other has long been striped out of norm.Its everyone with all their freedom and rights with them out to explore and do as they wish.

In the place of culture and tradition we have modern religion as a benchmark we can constantly align to and keep ourselves in check.But the typical man is for a free and liberal mindset ,not one freedom taken away from them.In fact "religious" is a term shamingly used to describe anyone conservative based for example on religious beliefs.

And hence life is indeed short .For many threatening mistakes and decisions are likely to surface within such an all-daring frame of mind.No wonder again suicides,  ,crime  and other vices are generally on an uptrend today in comparison with a few years ago.And hence anything that thrills,or gives room for cormfort amidst prevalent pressure is the picked up better option.

But what does scarcity of any kind call for.Does it not call for proper and carefull utilisation of what is at hand.Life in this case.An eat and do all that their is now,for tommorow the same might be away is quite paranoid for lack of a better word.

Referencing,the bible,it is said" redeem the time because the days are evil".The concept of not going overboard and moderating in a time of scarcity.

The conclusion of the matter calls then for  an induced change in our approach to life today.Even though in most places people have all their freedoms with them like legaly.Freedom of expression and others. Where today kings  and queens are heckled. Whereas a king in medieval times would never take open opposition from especially a mere subject slightly.People have constitutionaly approved freedoms even to alter nature and behave as opposite gender as they please.To maximize the time at hand.To explore and ' possibly' know and experience it all.

And on the other hand again referencing most religions of the day.The life of a man does not vanish once they exit earth.There is always teaching about a better place ,a place of eternity whose qualification is mostly the quality of life lived on earth and the faithfulness in which apportioned obligations were carried out.According most religions today.

 Hence let's not get caught up in this frenzy.That life is too short and its high time we rushed to make merry and "explore". For there is as we have learnt another much more better life,yet the quality of life lived here is determinant.Lets ensure that the values of family,chastity,respect stand the test of time.And life for us all devoid of unnecessary thrill and fantasy will be fulfilling.

So any time you come across any other phrase preceded by " life is too short".Have clarity and stouttness of mind and and approach as you check what information the other part holds.
Voila.(pens off)

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