Many there are that have done exploits and earned the term celebrity. According to both the Oxford and the Macmillan dictionaries.A celebrity is defined as a famous person especially in the field of entertainment or sports.
A celebrity can also be termed as a person who has done something outstanding and remarkable to deserve the love,cherish,adoration and admiration of the masses.
From a Christian perspective.We see the person of Jesus Christ as a great celebrity by every possible standard.What Jesus Christ did and went through in his human nature in a bid to fullfill his mission for entire mankind well deserves being paid obeissance, worship,ovation and honour .
In the movie Passion of Christ, Jim Caviezel who later became a minister of the word.And the lead actor who played Jesus explains going through so much humiliation and anguish mimicking the eventualities in Jesus's life.
Not forgetting he was a very seasoned actor by the time he to took up the role.He talks about the cross at times being swayed by wind and being so very heavy on him.At times he would get to the point of hypothermia due to intense cold in the light clothings of a convict.
Remaining up on the cross as others cast members did easier groundwork was no mean feat either he said.He resorted to being prayerful and asking God for strength during these "trying moments".His body full of fatigue. And,it is recorded,not once during filming he was struck by lightning flashes very visible by everyone in the cast.A non christian playing the role of guard in the film even requested to convert to Christianity.
Rightfully so,the actual suffering of Jesus was so much to be able to describe in words.In the garden of Gethsemane,where it all started.Full of emotional stress and agony.And seeing that the hour of reckoning had come.Jesus prayed the more sweating blood.Medically the condition is reffered to as hemarthidrosis a rare condition where under intense emotional stress tiny capillaries in the sweat glands break mixing blood with sweat as it drips out.
As it is recorded he was soon arrested after the betrayal kiss.This was followed by mockery,sleepless nights,being severally slapped and even being spat on in the hands of the authorities during the trials.
The scourgings by a heavy leather whip and with metal balls at the ends according to Roman traditions came next.So excruciating was the pain as the whip cut deeper and deeper into the skin that some victims lost blood enough and didn't even make it to the cross.It was compulsory that the accused is striped and tethered onto a pole in the process.
And the mockery continued after the beatings and for Jesus a crown of thorns was now apportioned him increasing the pain and blood loss as a result.He later had to carry the cross all the way up even collapsing at one point.

And at Golgotha it was all horror as the nails pierced through his wrist to stamp him upon the beams.The legs one put upon the other were pierced through also.So excruciating must have been the encounter also as the body weight came heavy on the wounds.
Additionally to exhale suspended,with the neck hanging due to the fatigue and the pain combined was practically impossible. So every gasp of breath was a success story.There was the issue of a lot of thirst too.Sooner or later he gave up the ghost .The Romans pierced his body and it gushed with water.It was horrific.
Later when his best friend John the discple who was so close to be recorded lying on his bosom in his earthly days.Saw Jesus as the son of God in heavenly glory in the last book of the Bible.He gives account of his majestic form and how his voice now like that of rushing waters made him coil with fear.
And so it is that he become poor that we may be rich(in spirit),striped that we may be healed.All so that man may receive life everlasting. Who took not his heavenly glory to be something but lay it all down that he may purchase a people,mankind for God. Atoning for all our sins by his precious blood.That when our sins would have set us back,denying us fellowship with God. Jesus full of love come down for that very purpose and now we are sorted.
Then Jesus Christ is the greatest of all the celebrated.He gave it all .Of all that have walked upon the earth none dedicated their entire life for mankind.Supersiding all pleasures,and laid it down back to back again for mankinds eternal course.
He sacrificed the most,paid the heaviest price and is thus the actual and ideal, ultimate celebrity of mannkind.(pens off)
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