No matter the situation we ought to find a reason to keep going.Deep down the adversity is always a way you can motivate yourself to not tap out.
A blog space where insight is shared and light shed into the different facets of our lives.
Wednesday, 28 December 2016
No matter the situation we ought to find a reason to keep going.Deep down the adversity is always a way you can motivate yourself to not tap out.
Saturday, 5 November 2016
The ferry experience begins with a walk past through the check ups into the waiting bay.A pavilion like area where you wait for a few minutes for the ferry next in schedule.You'll notice a separate bay exists for expectant women and children,VIP and the ferry staff.Mark you, the ride is government sponsored and is hence free of charge unless you are having a vehicle .Here you'll have to part with about a hundred Kenya shillings,equivalent of one USA dollar to be granted access.
On a good day,the ride can be a theatrical affair of its own kind.You might be lucky to find a performer showcasing stand up comedy talent or other skits to the amusement of onlookers who may throw a few coins at their feet in appreciation.Preachers sharing in the good news are also very common especially during the night.
Thanks to the coxswains and staff who see to it that fellow citizens reach job and school on time and safe.
Indeed an important job, and, at least well done.
Monday, 17 October 2016

Hence, let's begin to embrace,perceive and understand nature better.There's plenty of wealth,solution and inspiration from nature if only we were to take a closer look.
Mother nature,she is indeed to treasure.
Sunday, 7 August 2016
Friday, 8 July 2016
The birth of a child is one of the most exciting things both in traditional and contemporary society.The newborn especially traditionally, is welcomed with fanfare,colour and many ululations.Sometimes five for a boy and four for a girl in some traditions.
Most youngsters will be forced to settle for jobs they are overqualified in or are not passionate about for the sake of the bills.Scaling the heights of a career usually takes time and will require a lot of patience and perseverance as the skills are mastered.
and gaining more skill interpersonal and intrapersonal ,some comfort and stability will be achieved in one way or the other.
Thursday, 7 July 2016
Visit any place and there will always be what is trademark to that particular locality. For ,hardly is there a place mirror image of another.
Notice also pictures of celebrity personalities,reknown televangelists and politicians gracing the insides.Advertisement stickers, bible verses and gutter press stickers the content of which is in most cases comic also add to the interior.You are allowed to giggle,or smile at yourself if it is funny enough.
The tout experience is also one of you should look out for.Catch them whistle in melody to communicate with the man behind the wheel on when to slam on the breaks for a pick up or a drop.Watch them also do acrobatic stunts at the doorway even as the wheels roll in high-speed.
You will notice the commuter fee is collected midway or at your point of dismount depending on the crews modus operandi.At this point better make sure you have loose money for convenience purposes..Plus there's chance your integrity might be tested 'by fire ' if the conductor skips you or simply forgets to charge you.
For a first timer,by the time you alight usually in the space of minutes the experience will indeed have given you something to tell a story about.Some skillfull and youthful enough will be able to get off before the matatu is fully stopped.Kindly wait till the vehicle is fully stopped if you don't subscribe to such skills.And there is enough slang for this stunt also.
On the bigger picture, the matatu industry is a major employment provider in the Kenya.Talk of thousands working round the clock as designers and matatu crew.Not forgetting those employed in the many sacco's managing the business . Having mentioned these, one guy Moha is to be applauded for doing the first artwork on a matatu years ago. Setting the trend from where the rest followed suit.And, opening up a big big job opportunity for artists, interior designers and electronics specialist.
Additionaly matatus also come in as instruments of expression of various things going on in the country.You just need to read most of the graffiti and quotes written on matatus to catch a glimpse of what word is going round in various facets of the country. Brand names like ngamia 1,eurobond ,kiongozi et cetera are evidence of this.
Sunday, 19 June 2016

There we go.
Thursday, 16 June 2016
Genuinely speaking, Africa is well blessed.Talk of her rich fauna and flora. Her seasonless timeline,rich culture and valuable gems to mention but a few.Skeptics nevertheless continue to look down upon her on the basis of her very minimal contribution in pushing the globe to where it is now in terms of technology and civilization.
Save for earlier day Egypt where a number of fascinating inventions and structures were erected.It is said Africa has not contributed much ,especially intellectually.
Most inventions,talk of medicine,architecture and now communications have zoomed in proportion with nothing substantial being associated with Africa. In a nutshell, the West has pace set everything for her especially on matters technology. Last time we heard of an electronic gadget,a transport vessel or even improvement to an existing gadget subscribed to Africa, and that can compete undisputably on the global platform must have been aeons ago.

In communications especially. We've seen the sprout of satellite, radar,computer and of late mobile phones technology.Sorry to say not even the selfie stick is coming from Africa.Luckily though, Ubuntu the great software is associated with S.A. How we need to see more of this.
On the contrary Africa showcases very well to the point of monopoly on matters sports.Talk of the track events for example. It is a known thing that the short races is an event of people of African origin or blacks really for lack of a better word.They dominate and are majority right from the heats to the award ceremony.And,in the long races the Kenyans,Ethiopians and the likes of Morroco hold their very ground.The greatest boxers that have come along again to compete to the highest levels will dominantly be of African origin for that matter.The countries they represent irrespective.The Sugar Ray's,The Ali's and today the Mayweather's and Antony Joshua's not forgetting the Cuba domadores.And this has been the trend ever since.Transversing generations.Ever asked yourself why?
This then begins to look like a win win situation. That Africa most 'third world ', might continue to rely on the west for reference on how good governments should be run,how prevalent disasters should be managed et cetera et cetera. The 'first world 'generaly plays trendsetter and torch bearer for the planet.
One alone will not tango.
Tuesday, 14 June 2016
Many there are that have done exploits and earned the term celebrity. According to both the Oxford and the Macmillan dictionaries.A celebrity is defined as a famous person especially in the field of entertainment or sports.
Remaining up on the cross as others cast members did easier groundwork was no mean feat either he said.He resorted to being prayerful and asking God for strength during these "trying moments".His body full of fatigue. And,it is recorded,not once during filming he was struck by lightning flashes very visible by everyone in the cast.A non christian playing the role of guard in the film even requested to convert to Christianity.
Rightfully so,the actual suffering of Jesus was so much to be able to describe in words.In the garden of Gethsemane,where it all started.Full of emotional stress and agony.And seeing that the hour of reckoning had come.Jesus prayed the more sweating blood.Medically the condition is reffered to as hemarthidrosis a rare condition where under intense emotional stress tiny capillaries in the sweat glands break mixing blood with sweat as it drips out.
The scourgings by a heavy leather whip and with metal balls at the ends according to Roman traditions came next.So excruciating was the pain as the whip cut deeper and deeper into the skin that some victims lost blood enough and didn't even make it to the cross.It was compulsory that the accused is striped and tethered onto a pole in the process.
And so it is that he become poor that we may be rich(in spirit),striped that we may be healed.All so that man may receive life everlasting. Who took not his heavenly glory to be something but lay it all down that he may purchase a people,mankind for God. Atoning for all our sins by his precious blood.That when our sins would have set us back,denying us fellowship with God. Jesus full of love come down for that very purpose and now we are sorted.
Monday, 6 June 2016
When they set their heart on film.My broda ooh.That's why we only have hollywood,bollywood and who disputes nollywood as the most sought after.
On matters religion,Chiiiineeeeeke.Winners chapel Lagos branch had the biggest congregation in a single sitting worldwide last time I checked. And,with branches spilling over Africa ,UK,USA and world over.
Their churches are also so well structured that some run football clubs.A good example is mfm football club which showcases in the national league.Religion is vital there. Nigerians are great sportsmen too.

Sunday, 29 May 2016
Characters through fictional can have a lot to offer if we delve deeper into their traits as assigned by the writer,artist or creator for that matter.Talk of okwonkwo,othello or monalisa by Da vinci only to mention a few.
Today ,though,Mbugua is a reknown businessman thanks to his hard work.His investments are spread across industry,motor vehicle accessories and real estate. He also acts as a financial adviser to many upcoming entrepreneurs and has provided employment opportunities for many from his different enterprises.
Like their dad who also loves watching soccer on tv,the two will enjoy something good showing on the screen.
From civilian to millitary
Two worlds ,quite a contrary
Fast paces,log races
Big bags,assault courses
Best of lashes,worst of curses
To grace it all,read them verses
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