Wednesday, 1 November 2017


According to the oxford dictionary a generation is defined as all the people living at about the same time,regarded collectively.

The 21st century has seen many generations,the latest of which is the millennials a.k.a generation Y.They are said to form the greatest part of the human workforce and population in most countries in the world today.And comprise people born within the 1981-2001 year bracket.

The biggest and one of the most characteristic event of their time is the advent of the world wide web which they have encountered brand new and first hand.

Due to events happening during the time in which a generation runs,each generation has traits unique to it and the millennials are not to be left out.

Today in point form, lets look at about a dozen most common traits characterizing the millennials.

  1. Technology attachment through especially hand held devices comes in as a key trait among the millennials.They are likely to pull out a smartphone first thing in the morning and end the day logging out from the same only to pspectrum m right next to them and continue the cycle next day.The attachment is almost like an addiction in the day.
  2. Compared to predecessory generations millennials appear least prejudiced and more tolerant over a broad spectrum of issues.Divisive culture, geopolitical ideology etc don't seem to quite resonate with them.They are more open and flexible in approach.
  3. Millennials are characterized as generally more ambitious in out thinkers with an affinity for providing the right solutions for issues in their day
  4. They are for a free mindset hence the possibility of detering authority,breaking from old preset rules et cetera.
  5. On the contrary millenials might come with poorer social skills.Their incline to technology bends them towards being quite introverted. With high speed internet and the right gadgets I bet a millennial can stay in an island cormfortably much longer.
  6. Their sense of entitlement/individuality apears stronger. Sharper inclination towards their rights.They might  be as a result a little high headed in comparison.
  7. They also have a more positive view of their economic features with most set on the fine things of life.
  8. Millennials are generally more urban than agrarian in various approaches.Prefering to offer new,simplified,quick solutions appertaining to respective savvy .
  9. They are as compared to the predecessor generations less interested in politics and statesmanship and the affiliations therein.Low voter turnout has been recorded.
  10. Millennials come out as less patient.The technology of the day has programmed them towards getting most things at thumbnail proximity.
  11. Millennials also embrace better the advantages of good networks characteristic of most dealings in the world that they find themselves in.
  12. Rightly so,the points as highlighted are not standard operating procedure but an overly outlook.Personal practice might differ upto and including different environments on a cross cultural and geopolitical basis .

Nevertheless their goes generation Y  the largest part of the populace and workforce in most regions around the globe.Feel free to give additional views on the same in the comments box below.(pens off)


Kekistan.The recent buzz billowing over the world wide web,is just but a fictitious country.Kekistan is now  fully set up. And,with a flag as symbol of national unity,a very loyal citizenry,instruments of war incase of aggression,founding fathers and even a deity(kek).It has its rights on image board open end websites such as 4 chan and 8 chan where members use memes and other such items to express themselves .

Big man Tyrone,a UK based you tuber of Cameroonian decent is the brainchild behind Kekistan.It's citizenry the Kekistanis, are a disgraceful lot who have a war to wage against the Normies(normals/mainstreams) every now and then.Only recently did Tyrone call for a meme jihad by the oppressed Kekistanis as they would want to be described against the Normies.

Meme crafting is a trade it is claimed they have  learnt to perfection from their forefathers way back in the day.And this they use in a flurry incase of a situation against their main foes the Normies .
Normies seem to represent those who are anti Kekistani in ideology.The same are known to believe and prefer mainstream media outlets like the normal TV bulletin for information unlike  Kekistanis who rely on the online space to get the latest news or buzz and sort it all out with memes and other new day armour in the cloud.

Pepe the cartoon frog is  the most popular meme.He is said to have come up around the year 2005.In the recent past however, he has been associated with separationism.

The same way the Kekistani community is hugely associated with white supremacy,racism and the alt rights .Kekistan and Kun Klax Klan would also  sound similar, on a lighter note though.Additionally,the Kekistan flag save for the colours and the insignia resembles the infamous Nazi flag in every other aspect.
And that is basically what the viral talk,chit chat or Internet joke is all about .And it loudly bespeaks how radio and tv as was conventional are being pushed out of the top spot as most reliable media.At least as the online community gets more and more interesting  with the day.And the discourses therein percolating even into everyday life.

Also as others will want it put. Man simply has a natural affinity for association or belief for that matter in some thing.Be it a political wave,sports formation,some Kekistan,religious faith et cetera.

Online sources or mainstream media?white supremacy or equal rights for non indigenous whites and the rest?All yours for the asking.