Friday, 3 March 2017


Mankind is such a marvelous creation.Indeed as it's put, is in His image and likeness.And,consisting of the mind,body and soul.

Top up the stack is the soul.Following  closely and in tandem is the mind,while the body is the medium and  instrument through which the vibrations internal manifest.

The soul immortal is where life exists,with its many spiritual dimensions as base.The mind and the heart is where all tangible and intangible issues of life find ground.With a person's sensual capabilities forming the better part of what plays on in their hearts ringing into the mind,and back and forth.The product of which are actions then persisting ,character, or, sometimes reputation as perceived.

Ever had the saying,what your think is what you become.Sure, for this is without doubt true.Only dreamers having held firm what in the view of others could have been faint and mediocre  by  enough preparation attracted their preestablished destinies.
The minds content  are a product majorly of even heredity but much more of the environment including the information we take in.Same way as GIGO. Garbage in garbage out.

"It's all in the mind",chanted the team leader as the students heaved into the truck.Then the journey to the starting point started.The students in high spirits began singing in merry to phyche themselves up.It was a steep drive downhill with the test being to run back to starting point almost the same time it took down hill.

As the journey continued  the voices grew dimmer everybody taking a glance at their watches.The journey was getting longer and hence beating the set time seeming more and more difficult.Soon the truck came to a halt just about the one hour mark.Everybody alighted prepared for a minute or so and the whistle was blown for the journey back.

Running fast,slowing down,panting,sometimes spitting,pushing,looking back,straight ahead pushing.Surely in normal terms the math was not adding up,about quater an hour on a truck and only a few minutes more to be back this time jogging uphill.

Funny enough though, the  more they ignored this thought and pushed on anyway,the more beating the time begun to appear possible.On that day all except only one or two with popping injuries arrived back on time to their own amazement.It course was by design to check on their grit .It was really all in their mind.
Moral of the story.Always take inventory of your state of mind in accordance to your goals or dreams, image you would want to put up et cetera.Be in pursuit for all what reaffirms you.Check regularly
also for impurity in  form of say your physical environment or

They say environment supersedes heredity.We all have a genetical bias but who and what we surround ourselves with much more dictates our minds,hence action and way forward.

Remember then to keep sentry of all other things your mind.Which masters you towards or away from accomplishment. Therefore,worry no more,only by safeguarding and creating the right environment in your mind , position yourself into opportunities for your betterment.
If this calls for shrinking from the multitude for sometime,do exactly that .It is even often said "no one ever led the orchestra without first turning his back to the crowd".Hence ,if need be,stand even alone if necessary.Being bold on your way.

Sooner in the right time things  will begin to fall in place and you will reap from your efforts.Thats the fundamental part of the process,its all in the mind.

What is in your mind? because,its at times, all that matters.

(pens off)