Wednesday, 1 November 2017


According to the oxford dictionary a generation is defined as all the people living at about the same time,regarded collectively.

The 21st century has seen many generations,the latest of which is the millennials a.k.a generation Y.They are said to form the greatest part of the human workforce and population in most countries in the world today.And comprise people born within the 1981-2001 year bracket.

The biggest and one of the most characteristic event of their time is the advent of the world wide web which they have encountered brand new and first hand.

Due to events happening during the time in which a generation runs,each generation has traits unique to it and the millennials are not to be left out.

Today in point form, lets look at about a dozen most common traits characterizing the millennials.

  1. Technology attachment through especially hand held devices comes in as a key trait among the millennials.They are likely to pull out a smartphone first thing in the morning and end the day logging out from the same only to pspectrum m right next to them and continue the cycle next day.The attachment is almost like an addiction in the day.
  2. Compared to predecessory generations millennials appear least prejudiced and more tolerant over a broad spectrum of issues.Divisive culture, geopolitical ideology etc don't seem to quite resonate with them.They are more open and flexible in approach.
  3. Millennials are characterized as generally more ambitious in out thinkers with an affinity for providing the right solutions for issues in their day
  4. They are for a free mindset hence the possibility of detering authority,breaking from old preset rules et cetera.
  5. On the contrary millenials might come with poorer social skills.Their incline to technology bends them towards being quite introverted. With high speed internet and the right gadgets I bet a millennial can stay in an island cormfortably much longer.
  6. Their sense of entitlement/individuality apears stronger. Sharper inclination towards their rights.They might  be as a result a little high headed in comparison.
  7. They also have a more positive view of their economic features with most set on the fine things of life.
  8. Millennials are generally more urban than agrarian in various approaches.Prefering to offer new,simplified,quick solutions appertaining to respective savvy .
  9. They are as compared to the predecessor generations less interested in politics and statesmanship and the affiliations therein.Low voter turnout has been recorded.
  10. Millennials come out as less patient.The technology of the day has programmed them towards getting most things at thumbnail proximity.
  11. Millennials also embrace better the advantages of good networks characteristic of most dealings in the world that they find themselves in.
  12. Rightly so,the points as highlighted are not standard operating procedure but an overly outlook.Personal practice might differ upto and including different environments on a cross cultural and geopolitical basis .

Nevertheless their goes generation Y  the largest part of the populace and workforce in most regions around the globe.Feel free to give additional views on the same in the comments box below.(pens off)


Kekistan.The recent buzz billowing over the world wide web,is just but a fictitious country.Kekistan is now  fully set up. And,with a flag as symbol of national unity,a very loyal citizenry,instruments of war incase of aggression,founding fathers and even a deity(kek).It has its rights on image board open end websites such as 4 chan and 8 chan where members use memes and other such items to express themselves .

Big man Tyrone,a UK based you tuber of Cameroonian decent is the brainchild behind Kekistan.It's citizenry the Kekistanis, are a disgraceful lot who have a war to wage against the Normies(normals/mainstreams) every now and then.Only recently did Tyrone call for a meme jihad by the oppressed Kekistanis as they would want to be described against the Normies.

Meme crafting is a trade it is claimed they have  learnt to perfection from their forefathers way back in the day.And this they use in a flurry incase of a situation against their main foes the Normies .
Normies seem to represent those who are anti Kekistani in ideology.The same are known to believe and prefer mainstream media outlets like the normal TV bulletin for information unlike  Kekistanis who rely on the online space to get the latest news or buzz and sort it all out with memes and other new day armour in the cloud.

Pepe the cartoon frog is  the most popular meme.He is said to have come up around the year 2005.In the recent past however, he has been associated with separationism.

The same way the Kekistani community is hugely associated with white supremacy,racism and the alt rights .Kekistan and Kun Klax Klan would also  sound similar, on a lighter note though.Additionally,the Kekistan flag save for the colours and the insignia resembles the infamous Nazi flag in every other aspect.
And that is basically what the viral talk,chit chat or Internet joke is all about .And it loudly bespeaks how radio and tv as was conventional are being pushed out of the top spot as most reliable media.At least as the online community gets more and more interesting  with the day.And the discourses therein percolating even into everyday life.

Also as others will want it put. Man simply has a natural affinity for association or belief for that matter in some thing.Be it a political wave,sports formation,some Kekistan,religious faith et cetera.

Online sources or mainstream media?white supremacy or equal rights for non indigenous whites and the rest?All yours for the asking.

Thursday, 3 August 2017


Our environment  has seen pollution rise to dazzling new heights in the recent past.Largely to blame is the use of non biodegradable plastic bags as a means of packaging the various commodities within day to day commerce.

Huge garbage mounds to the tune of mini hills are a characteristic of most cities around the world today.Recyling some of  them is the done thing but this only allows the vicious cycle to continue.
Plastic  generally is  an important faculty of modern society and it can be out of order to solely bedevil it.

Most home appliances,utencils,electronics,and a wide array of accessories we have around have a plastic component attached to  them.Entirely facing out plastic,a cheap,reliable,insulant is not an option due to the broad areas it finds application in the world today.
The non biodegradable plastic bag however has been a matter of great concern. This is due to its volatility,seeming irrecyclability and very huge volumes produced and consumed daily.

 When we talk of major contributors to environment pollution today.The plastic bag  in particular is always up the stack.

To decompose takes not less than a century for these bags.And,using incineration as a disposal method releases toxic chlorofluorocarbons into the atmosphere.Mark you ,coal,natural gas and crude oil are the building blocks from which plastic is made.

In the form of microlitter plastic swept into the seas finds way into the bellies of  sea animals.The same are sought for food by humans and it  goes on further plaguing the ecosystem.The Great Pacific garbage patch is a clear case in point.

 As a result ,many places around the world including the  city of Edmonton,Hongkong,Bali, Kenya and Rwanda have come up with austerity measures to curb the use of this bags and the subsequent pollution they cause to the  environment.

In the case of Rwanda,a total ban to the use of plastic bags has been put in place.And with authorities within the country and in it's major transit points on sentry to implement this zero tolerance policy.Kigali was indeed voted cleanest city shortly by UNESCO as a result.

Bags made of paper,casava and sisal are a good environment friendly alternative that can be adopted in the place of plastic bags.Not only are they biodegradable but are rather cheap and in most cases more convenient to carry whatsoever from the shops,groceries and supermarkets.

Plastic bags give a helping hand but they are polluting our land.Lets shun unduly lamination of our planet with plastic.Bags made out of biodegradable material should still be the way to go.

We still can be fantastic without the plastic.

Yeah even jurrasic.

Saturday, 8 July 2017


The coining of a name is a vital part of the process  in bringing about the desired marketing effect upon the target audience,in any establishment.Noticeably so,the tourism docket also has very mind boggling names for some of its popular destinations.

A case in point is Hells gate park.The name leaves one thinking of the heights of mysteries this place comprises.The theory behind it anyway is its deep natural gorges whose destination is seemingly infinite.
Paradise lost resort is another destination tucked in central Kenya east of Africa.Whether it is indeed a paradise of sorts needs paying a visit to demystify.
Rolling fields, of some of the worlds choicest coffee plantations is what ushers you into the park.The twittering of birds, serenity and sweet smell of flora is immediately characteristic of this microenvironment upon arrival.

One of the major attractions within the park only a few yards from the entrance are the Mau Mau caves at the entrance of which are falling Waters from river Gichi.

History has it that Mau Mau warriors used them as cover in their pre colonial resistance against the imperial government of the day. Today,they are well lit and going in to explore is indeed worthwhile.Word going round has it that artefacts of stone age era have been discovered therein to mean early man might have had footage in this caves.

And,stretching over 20km the Mau Mau caves are  probably the only labyrinth of caves this long and with a waterfall enjoined,right at the entrance.Indeed a masterpiece.
Additionally if you are a wannabe jockey. Or,simply has love for riding  animals,paradise lost is the place to be.Here you can enjoy quality time on the saddle of a horse or camel and with friendly attendants to help you in the process.
The lush green lawns also offer the best place for relaxation,picknicking,camping or team building activities of your choice.

To crown it all ,you can choose to go by Paradise dam. Quite a huge natural mass of water.Here boats are available for hire,where you can choose to paddle your own connue or join friends and row downstream in the same boat as you enjoy water sporting,birdwatching and the surrounding nature.

Such a cocktail of nature's best souvenirs must have been the reason behind the eye catching name of this magnificent destination .

Actually paradise lost, but found ,and , up for your discovery.But for the Christians paradise is to be gained and found not lost. 

Wednesday, 21 June 2017


A proffession of since antiquity
Players of which,might be smeared with iniquity
Ask Machiavelli,of the benefits of atrocity
Self interest,self gain,crime against humanity

But they come but pleading
Legislature,infrastructure,agriculture,all but pledging
Another year, another term , to keep but trending
Buy their outlook,sell your own,that's the game they're  sending

Most tyrants,most aristocrats,few be true leaders
Most tricksters, gobblers,coming to seek us
Cash outs,hand outs,and we let them lead us
Then over and over continue to trick us

A call then,for independent minds
Elders,millenials,people of all kinds
Who by higher inspiration,shoved this behind
Having found  a brand new island to abide

Cast your vote,fellow countryman,but spare thyself
Ballot issues,will you kindly shelf
Arise and shine,toil for yourself
Girded with hope,resilience,ambition,for another day save this elf

And success will be indeed your portion
Having  now knowledge of what's the better option
Hurry then, this into implementation
Yes we can,a good instruction

Sunday, 18 June 2017


Of the 7.5 billion people in the world, a whooping 1.5 billion,about 20% are English  speakers. In Africa ,according to  a survey by the  World  linguistic agency. Ugandans  are the best  speakers followed by natives of Zambia, South Africa  and Kenya in that order.West Africans have this pidgin accents that cost them a place even though  they are equally  well versed and proud english  speakers. 

Globally however, english  seems to be split between American english, native British and Australian english which scores somewhere in between. Of all the three there is something about American english that stands out.Majorly ,this is as a result  of how bold,street and open  it sounds as compared to other forms. Some of it's  traits form the basis of our interaction today. 

As stated , American english comes out as open, bold and pompous in initial trajectory as compared  to the British accent.Which would sound reserved, laid-back and altogether conservative. Also ,while American english is a mouthful, the British accent  is more nasal and raw in voice  projection.
You listen to both of these groups  speak and you immediately notice a big difference in sound and even overall pronunciation of the  letters.Most noticeable are the letters t and d.

 While the Americans will put some stress on letter t to the point of it sounding like a d. The British counterparts come out low key  to the  point  of appearing to not pronounce engulfing the sound within the strong accent. Case in point  is the pronunciation of the  words part of,water, what about ,but etc. The Americans will almost  replace a d sound for the  t. 

Below in point  form are other distinguished and popular  phrases  common in American english. 
  • When Americans speak, notice them use exaggeration quite figuratively. They will  always say something like "this was the best/worst thing that ever happened  to me" !!! in an exclamatory tone
  • Notice that the intonation  in speech and especially when questioning  is a rising one. Making  the language  appear loud and emotional. 
  • When trying to express something or flow of events. The use of 'like' is quite common.For example, " I seeing them coming and am like.... ",then she goes like...
  • "Really," "like seriously " are also asked to feedback  on a surprising, comical, or not so pleasant information that has been relayed. 
  • Instead  of saying  yes as a positive acknowledgement notice the conditioned use of "pretty much". 
  • The abbreviated forms,OMG, LOL are used  in texting. 
  • "Oh men"!,"no way"! are equally  used to  express surprise or disgust
  • To hang up on someone  to mean to not pick up their calls. 
  • "Me and him don't  see eye to eye" - don't  relate well
  • Property is a term used usually to mean compound,homestead et cetera,like in "get out of my property".
  • If someone or something pisses one off it means it's annoying or irritating.
  • They talk of in the  neighborhood,in the community,to mean in the surroundings. 
  • To do time/incaceration - to spend time  behind bars.
  • Sir - Referring to  a boss, respectable  man or male cop.
  • Madam pronounced "maam "- Woman in a position of of authority,lady cop etc
  • To pull over - park
  • See what one has to say or see what  is in their heads.
  • Imma/im gonna - I will
  • To begin to  get disrespectful - of a kid who acts hard headed in the  presence of an authority .
  • Notice the use of we was, they was instead of we were, there were.
  • You don't need to know a person much to call them brother,bruh,my guy etc. 
  • I  wanna - I want to
  • "It's kinda  like "- it's almost  like 
  • Honestly..... Technically... ..,Basically..... - will begin most statements 
  • To get picked on - be looked down upon expressed usually first verbally 
Equally  hear the exclusive  and common  use of the following words and  phrases in America based English  language.On parole,child support, background checks,commit a felony,a pay cheque,the commissary,DUI,a ticket,emotional  rollercoaster.But you know what!,law enforcement,call security on someone,pick on someone.Gang related,foster care,homicide,an altercation,reality check,the state penetentiary,real quick!,then one thing led to another.....And the usual  "bombs" that everyone hears around,used to express disgust,though the writer chose to bypass.

Feel free to  add in the comments box any other words and phrases synonymous with this dialect.(you know what I'm saying)

Thursday, 25 May 2017


Her heart of is made gold
Her demeanour like a gem,old
Her stride a story told
Her spirit of gracious fold
Mirror,mirror on the wall,she is the fairest of them all

From her eyes sparkle hope
From her voice nuggets hop
From her smile  warmth springsforth
Give her ears,wise and worth
Mirror mirror on the wall she's the fairest of them all

She is to her children mother
To her better half not of another
She is to society not the bother
Towards her God very sober
Mirror,mirror on the wall,she is the fairest of them all

Her mouth she doesn't slander
Her very she doesn't scatter
Her faith is unto the Master
Her prayer is all that matters
Mirror,mirror on the wall ,she is the fairest of them all

Tuesday, 2 May 2017


You can be Syrian,Indian,Namibian,but Christian
You can be the child ,the mother,the father,but Christian
You can be a sportsman,businessman,statesman,politician,but still Christian
You can be young,old, wealthy,needy,but Christian
You can be abled,abled differently,black or white,but Christian
You can be learned,unschooled,geeky,nerdy,yet Christian
You can be dating, taken,single,married,but Christian
You can be boss,in service,but Christian
You can be tall,short,big,slender yet Christian
You can be urban or much more country,but Christian
Be Christian,by being Christian the world is inspired,the world is lit and evil split 
Through it all strive ye,to be first Christian

(pens off)
(free verse) 

Monday, 10 April 2017


Inspired by how birds fly.Daedus and his son Icarius decided to make them  each a pair of wings so as to access the skies.Later on,Wright brothers,with getting airborne in mind.And from a bicycle garage,constructed the first airplane to cut ribbon on one fascinating means of transport,air transport.

Air transport is the fastest and most reliable means of long range transport today.So fast and reliable is it that transversing continents within few hours of a day has been made possible.
The first experiences of most things  however  are usually meet with anxiety,to others even some measure of phobia.A mixture of excitement and other emotions will linger during your fast flight experience.Today we look at the airborne experience during a flight in général. And for brevity purposes side step the ticketing,bookings,luggage procedures et cetera.Thé expérience might be slightly différent depending on type of plane and hours of engagement.

Entry into an airplane is  through a  portable mounted staircase in big planes.Or some steps where you access the entrance for the smaller aircraft.

Once in you'll notice the cabins layout in most cases is no different from your bus.By this I mean simply rows of seats in two's or threes with a passage in the middle.Cormfotable on your seat and just about take off,you will be asked to fasten your seatbelts,notified of the gas masks and emergency exits in case of an eventuality, given route details and times et cetera.
About this time the engines  will have roared to life.You might be able to feel this.For the pressurised aircraft you will feel less of this because the aeroplane seems to have a stand alone internal environment.

The next thing,the aeroplane will begin to taxi into the runway where it is to take off.Here you feel more or less what you feel in a vehicle.When it comes time to lift,the aircraft will fully power her engines poising  for take off.

If you are seated next to a window behind the wings and depending on the type of aircraft.You will virtually see the propellers at the fuselage area rotate at very high frequency .All this to generate enough momentum for lift.

And before you say Jack Robinson, the plane which sometimes might stop to power herself fully for take off,will speed on the runway and in about 30 or so seconds lift.The heave over land into the sky can very well be felt.Basically almost what you feel when an elevator all of a sudden begins to lift.
Once the plane is off the ground,it will steadily begin to climb higher into the altitudes.This will be up to far past the clouds.The scenery as you transverse into the higher skies passing the clouds like smoke is phenomenal and beautiful altogether.The climb is usually up until you leave them far way below the level you are at.

You will notice your ears pop appering to have taken in air,in both the climbing and much more during the descent as you approach the runway.Pressurized aircraft's have lesser of this effect.
Chewing gum and dancing your jaw is one way you can aggravate this effect.In the descent especially if it's a little steep you might feel the plane thump a little again about the same feeling you feel once the elevator begins to move down.Like you are a suspended mid air for a fraction of a moment.

Sooner or later you will see the plane wheels released from their compartment, you will touch ground and decelerate into the parking bay or hangars.Marshallers on the ground assist in the process,giving hand signal accordingly.
As you alight unless there was turbulence,the feeling is great and one to look forward to.Enough time saved,smooth flight and breathtaking scenery.And ,huh !, you just defied gravity.

Friday, 3 March 2017


Mankind is such a marvelous creation.Indeed as it's put, is in His image and likeness.And,consisting of the mind,body and soul.

Top up the stack is the soul.Following  closely and in tandem is the mind,while the body is the medium and  instrument through which the vibrations internal manifest.

The soul immortal is where life exists,with its many spiritual dimensions as base.The mind and the heart is where all tangible and intangible issues of life find ground.With a person's sensual capabilities forming the better part of what plays on in their hearts ringing into the mind,and back and forth.The product of which are actions then persisting ,character, or, sometimes reputation as perceived.

Ever had the saying,what your think is what you become.Sure, for this is without doubt true.Only dreamers having held firm what in the view of others could have been faint and mediocre  by  enough preparation attracted their preestablished destinies.
The minds content  are a product majorly of even heredity but much more of the environment including the information we take in.Same way as GIGO. Garbage in garbage out.

"It's all in the mind",chanted the team leader as the students heaved into the truck.Then the journey to the starting point started.The students in high spirits began singing in merry to phyche themselves up.It was a steep drive downhill with the test being to run back to starting point almost the same time it took down hill.

As the journey continued  the voices grew dimmer everybody taking a glance at their watches.The journey was getting longer and hence beating the set time seeming more and more difficult.Soon the truck came to a halt just about the one hour mark.Everybody alighted prepared for a minute or so and the whistle was blown for the journey back.

Running fast,slowing down,panting,sometimes spitting,pushing,looking back,straight ahead pushing.Surely in normal terms the math was not adding up,about quater an hour on a truck and only a few minutes more to be back this time jogging uphill.

Funny enough though, the  more they ignored this thought and pushed on anyway,the more beating the time begun to appear possible.On that day all except only one or two with popping injuries arrived back on time to their own amazement.It course was by design to check on their grit .It was really all in their mind.
Moral of the story.Always take inventory of your state of mind in accordance to your goals or dreams, image you would want to put up et cetera.Be in pursuit for all what reaffirms you.Check regularly
also for impurity in  form of say your physical environment or

They say environment supersedes heredity.We all have a genetical bias but who and what we surround ourselves with much more dictates our minds,hence action and way forward.

Remember then to keep sentry of all other things your mind.Which masters you towards or away from accomplishment. Therefore,worry no more,only by safeguarding and creating the right environment in your mind , position yourself into opportunities for your betterment.
If this calls for shrinking from the multitude for sometime,do exactly that .It is even often said "no one ever led the orchestra without first turning his back to the crowd".Hence ,if need be,stand even alone if necessary.Being bold on your way.

Sooner in the right time things  will begin to fall in place and you will reap from your efforts.Thats the fundamental part of the process,its all in the mind.

What is in your mind? because,its at times, all that matters.

(pens off)

Monday, 27 February 2017


If it was not first true genuine friendship.In my opinion,it cannot morph into a true,healthy love union.In other words, it's the friendship,plain and unadulterated that should count.Again,in my opinion.

Nevertheless most relationships especially nowadays kick off contrary to mutual friendship .There are products of mostly only physical attraction and the need to meet inherent desires.Flings as they put it.

Like a man will approach her out of physical attributes alone.And most likely they will expect to be treated out or gifted to formally put down the 'guards' as events continue to unfold.

In the most ideal situation however,as was old school.People meet naturally in a manner or situation even unexpected or unarranged for.That could have been in a function, place of work or school,or any other day to day situations.

Such relationships would kick off as friendships then low key attractions,with every party taking time to learn where the others stand till time and time spent on each other draws them closer and  more tighter knit.

Going physical was much lower on the pile of priorities.The relationship stood on the firm ground of openness,trust and the need to understand each other.In such a case ,the two felt very comfortable with each other and love culminating from mutual friendship in its highest form kept blosomming the union.
The result of this were long lasting relationships leading to  marriages,which normal tides cacould not break.The kids also enjoyed the love and warmth around,learnt  and went on to do exploits as a result of the good foundation back at home.

Funny enough this is not what we see happening today.Two will meet on tinder or any other apps and social media ,exchange contacts and fire the damn thing up.And I'm not necessarily saying it can't or doesn't work for some people.But,in my view,if a long-term engagement is the set objective.Then it misses out on the beauty of loving someone,being patient on them,showing up for them et cetera.It almost like a crash programme with the document to show but missing out really on alot about the journey.

Personally in meeting up strangers, I've meet and continue to meet plenty from social online spaces.Work related and stuffIts an amazing tool yes.But when it's love or whatever you call it then that becomes quite mammoth task for me.I have to do my homework on someone a little bit having seeing them in my real space couple of times before my mind registers some kinds of emotions.Thats could be just how im wired.To minimize the risk of venturing into unknown territory,,wasting time maybe and doing the hard  work.And that's just how I choose to approach it.I find it on the high risk side so,unnecessary.Ironicaly i risk high in other ares.

Therefore if you find that special someone.In whose presence you find comfort.Out of how they look,talk,present themselves,treat you and even others hold on,befriend them.The way you are wired could just be saying,hey! behold my confidant,friend,rib etc.

The results of which can be beautiful long lasting,life complementing relationships.Which won't stand in your way with God,career,family and  destiny.Such indeed will complement and catapult you into domains and limits unfathomable.It is good if you find that special someone.(ink drained)