Sunday, 7 August 2016


 A man is indeed a leader,protector and provider.This are responsibilities apportioned him by nature at least by default.It is only from the boy child that we can raise,nurture and put up men competent and efficient for the future.Hence the need to empower the boy child.

In the recent past however,a lot of emphasis has been put on the girl child.And,sometimes ,at the expense of the boy child.We all know of massive anti fgm,anti gender based violence and anti priority to first educate the boy child in the yet to develop world.

From infancy,the girl child is under the cover of activist,whistle blowers and law groups all championing for her fair share of the societal cake.And,much has been the fruit of this by the way.We see women now able to take part in almost every other sporting discipline.Boxing,wrestling,football and rugby inclusive.In the event of an opportunity in the job market,the issue of gender balance will always come up in male dominated fields the reverse of which is not necessarily obvious.And,a good percentage representation in the legislative bodies et cetera.
The boy child or young man on the other hand is expected to muscle his way through,as a man should.And some falling short of good mentorship end up into various vices after seeking solace in the street and other not very good places.And when his time comes he is not also a role model figure to those under him,and so he makes mistakes affecting many,and the cycle continues.
In the event of family breakdown, the girl child will usually earn sympathy from some persons.While the boy child will languish in the street as an urchin and pick up other ill fated titles with time.He will also be easy prey for scouts for the  role of child soldier in the event of civil unrest, while the family takes cover in the  provided places.

All this while,no organizations are formed to nurture him and toe him on the line towards delivering his noble societal expectations and in case of infringements to his rights defend him.

We need more of the likes of YMCA to really come up and see to it that the boy child and young man of today is provided ample ground for wholistic development. We need fraternities, philanthropy and enough foundations specifically geared towards this.

Let's see more of present day Baden powell, founder of the boy scouts movement. Or Dr Griffin,founder of Starehe boys center,an institution of excellence.The products of which are many prominent people in Africa today.