The birth of a child is one of the most exciting things both in traditional and contemporary society.The newborn especially traditionally, is welcomed with fanfare,colour and many ululations.Sometimes five for a boy and four for a girl in some traditions.
Like all other species, the human child enjoys the tender care of its life givers for sometime.In modern society ,this is usually the eighteen age mark.By this time ,necessary documents to live and be productive as an adult citizen have been acquired.This basically ushers in 'quarter life'.
A sometimes tiresome search for job opportunities is a thing most young people of today will experience.Having dropped cv's and certifications left,right and center.And having checked every other notice board,job opportunity websites and adverts on the dailies mostly with no light at the tunnel end.
Most youngsters will be forced to settle for jobs they are overqualified in or are not passionate about for the sake of the bills.Scaling the heights of a career usually takes time and will require a lot of patience and perseverance as the skills are mastered.
Most youngsters will be forced to settle for jobs they are overqualified in or are not passionate about for the sake of the bills.Scaling the heights of a career usually takes time and will require a lot of patience and perseverance as the skills are mastered.
Going solo, the art of being smart can only be mastered.Fake friends,fraudsters and opportunists have to be predetermined as they seem to litter every other place.From the neighbourhood,workplace,utility personell and the scroll is a lengthy one.
After sometime maybe changing jobs
and gaining more skill interpersonal and intrapersonal ,some comfort and stability will be achieved in one way or the other.
and gaining more skill interpersonal and intrapersonal ,some comfort and stability will be achieved in one way or the other.
Sooner or later,real relationships will kick in.This phase is not any easier. Here mistakes are made with some being unable to easily reverse.The awareness of the ticking time bomb of the responsibilities of parenthood begin to become more and more vivid with time.This of course will require stringent emotional and financial measures and of course the right partner.
Nevertheless, finding the right partner is quite an issue for some if not most young people.Languishing in solitude is common practice.As a result of lack the right match and some unpreparedness to responsibility. This becomes stressful and a real issue with some youth.
And so many issues will seem to crop up around this phase of life. Adhesive bosses,confusion on whether to go by ones elder's advice or what one should feel as quite right for them as an adult becomes cumbersome.And the cycle is without end.
They say,decisions are a product of information. In quater life ,where important personal decisions are to be made. The young man or woman will need to be well informed to make the right decisions.
A good book,spiritual base and mentors come in handy here.With the right informational environment hence frame of mind.The young people can hence cope and sail through quarter life and it's issues and move on to be smart,succesful,productive and responsible citizens.
Voila !